Monday, December 30, 2019

History Quiz - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 826 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2017/09/23 Category Advertising Essay Type Argumentative essay Tags: United States Essay Did you like this example? Question 1 0 out of 1 points 1. In which year did the United States become the world’s greatest industrial power? Selected Answer: a. 1890 Correct Answer: d. 1910 Question 2 0 out of 1 points 2. One of the leading innovators in the production and marketing of goods at the turn of the century was Selected Answer: a. Henry George. Correct Answer: b. James Duke. Question 3 1 out of 1 points 3. In 1901, J. P. Morgan handled the huge industrial merger that formed the Selected Answer: e. U. S. Steel Corporation. Correct Answer: e. U. S. Steel Corporation. Question 4 1 out of 1 points 4. The idea of scientific management is most closely associated with Selected Answer: b. Frederick Taylor. Correct Answer: b. Frederick Taylor. Question 5 1 out of 1 points 5. The first assembly line was introduced in the Selected Answer: b. automobile industry. Correct Answer: b. automobile industry. Question 6 0 out of 1 points 6. For the most part, workers _______________ the assembly line , no matter what the industry. Selected Answer: a. favored Correct Answer: c. hated Question 7 1 out of 1 points 7. The author of The Passing of the Great Race, which argued that America should rid itself of inferior races, was Selected Answer: c. Madison Grant. Correct Answer: c. Madison Grant. Question 8 1 out of 1 points 8. Most immigrants who arrived in the United States between 1880 and 1914 came from Selected Answer: b. eastern and southern Europe. Correct Answer: b. eastern and southern Europe. Question 9 1 out of 1 points 9. For the most part, native-born Americans viewed the â€Å"new immigrants† as Selected Answer: e. racially inferior and culturally impoverished. Correct Answer: e. racially inferior and culturally impoverished. Question 10 0 out of 1 points 10. The primary motivation for late-nineteenth-century immigration was Selected Answer: a. religious persecution. Correct Answer: c. economic hardship. Question 11 1 out of 1 points 11. The quintessential force in late-nineteenth-century city government was Selected Answer: b. the political machine. Correct Answer: b. the political machine. Question 12 1 out of 1 points 12. Ironically, labor was prevented from organizing because of the government’s use of Selected Answer: c. the Sherman Antitrust Act. Correct Answer: c. the Sherman Antitrust Act. Question 13 1 out of 1 points 3. The long-time president of the American Federation of Labor was Selected Answer: a. Samuel Gompers. Correct Answer: a. Samuel Gompers. Question 14 1 out of 1 points 14. William â€Å"Big Bill† Haywood was the leader of which of the following unions? Selected Answer: c. Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) Correct Answer: c. Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) Question 15 1 out of 1 points 15. The most popular form of entertainment in turn-of-the-century urban America was Selected Answer: c. the movies. Correct Answer: c. the movies. Question 16 0 out of 1 points 6. For most of the nineteenth century, relations between men and women were dominated by the idea of Selected Answer: a. â€Å"domination and subordination. † Correct Answer: e. â€Å"separate spheres. † Question 17 1 out of 1 points 17. What was the Kong Chow Association? Selected Answer: c. A self-help organization that formed in San Francisco that provided support for new arrivals in California in the late 1840s. Correct Answer: c. A self-help organization that formed in San Francisco that provided support for new arrivals in California in the late 1840s. Question 18 1 out of 1 points 18. Which of the following statements is not true with respect to Chinese immigration to the United States? Selected Answer: a. The aftermath of the 1840 Opium War with Russia compelled many to leave their homeland. Correct Answer: a. The aftermath of the 1840 Opium War with Russia compelled many to leave their homeland. Question 19 1 out of 1 points 19. Which of the following statements does not apply to the Wo rkingman’s Party in California? Selected Answer: c. It became a powerful political force that lasted through the early 20th century. Correct Answer: c. It became a powerful political force that lasted through the early 20th century. Question 20 1 out of 1 points 20. What did the Geary Act of 1892 accomplish? Selected Answer: a. It extended the provision of the Chinese Exclusion Act for ten more years. Correct Answer: a. It extended the provision of the Chinese Exclusion Act for ten more years. Question 21 0 out of 1 points 21. All of the following statements regarding Ford Model Ts are true except: Selected Answer: a. between 1910 and 1914, production time dropped 90 percent. Correct Answer: b. by 1914, Ford produced six hundred Model Ts a day. Question 22 0 out of 1 points 22. Which of the following women argued for radical transformations in domestic work relations as one step toward gender equality? Selected Answer: c. Alice Paul Correct Answer: b. Charlotte Perkins Gilman Question 23 1 out of 1 points 23. Social Darwinism argued that human history witnessed the: Selected Answer: e. struggle among the races, with the strongest triumphing. Correct Answer: e. struggle among the races, with the strongest triumphing. Question 24 1 out of 1 points 24. Henry Fords Model T revolutionized U. S. society by: Selected Answer: a. providing inexpensive, reliable transportation for working-class Americans. Correct Answer: a. providing inexpensive, reliable transportation for working-class Americans. Question 25 1 out of 1 points 25. Henry Ford intervened in his workers lives by: Selected Answer: c. hiring social workers to help employees improve their personal lives. Correct Answer: c. hiring social workers to help employees improve their personal lives. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "History Quiz" essay for you Create order

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Organizational Behavior Theory Trait Theory - 1373 Words

Organizational Behavior Theory: Trait Theory Michael Sinnett MGT500 – Organizational Behavior Colorado State University – Global Campus Dr. Larry Key September 24, 2017 Organizational Behavior Theory: Trait Theory There are so many aspects that make up human behavior. For example, a person s environment and their genetics are a couple of aspects that make up an individual s behavior. Therefore, it would make sense that when you have a group of individuals together there would be just as many aspects that make up the group’s behavior as well. The study of individual behaviors within a group and how the group interacts with each other is known as organizational behavioral theory (Howard, 2014). There are many theories located†¦show more content†¦These traits separate leaders from others within an organization (Colbert, Judge, Choi and Wang, 2012). Leadership traits were personality traits that early researchers tried define originally (Wynn, 2006). Even more recent, an article came out describing ten traits for innovative leaders which included: excellent strategic vision, strong customer service, creates a climate of trust, and always available to name a few of the traits (Bus iness Mirror, 2014). Researchers are still looking for specific traits identified to be innate to great leaders. History of Trait theory At the turn of the twentieth century, researchers suggested that there were specific personality characteristics associated with individuals that were distinctive to a person that predisposed them to better than others when it came to leadership position within an organization (Wynn, 2006). One of those researchers was Ralph M. Stogdill. Stogdill proposed, like previous researchers in trait theory, that certain personality traits a leader exhibited were observable and could be defined by others (Stogdill, 1969). In 1969, Stogdill conducted research where he would use actors who wouldShow MoreRelatedDefine Leadership And Contrast Leadership And Management1162 Words   |  5 Pagessupervision of subordinates with the goal of meeting external organizational goals. Leadership, on the other hand, derives from internalizing organizational goals, creating them anew, challenging, or changing them. A leader might serve in a supervisory role, but perhaps for different reasons and different m otivations than the manager. Leadership is characterized by the articulation of an organizational vision, introduction of major organizational change, providing inspiration, and dealing with highly stressfulRead MoreLeadership Theories And Concepts Of Leadership1712 Words   |  7 Pagespositively to the delivery of the organizational goals and directives. Subsequently we must first start with analyzing all relative theories and concepts of leadership. Interest in leadership increased during the early part of the twentieth century. Early leadership theories concentrated on what qualities distinguished leaders from followers, while other theories examined variables such as skill levels and situational factors. Many different leadership theories have emerged, but most can be classifiedRead MoreBusiness Ethics : Bus 610 Organizational Behavior1113 Words   |  5 PagesEthics Prem Yadav BUS 610 Organizational Behavior Dr. Rollis Erickson June 29, 2015 Introduction Excellence of an organizational leadership determines how well an organization is doing. Effective leadership is influencing the behavior of individuals and groups in positive way to work towards a predefined organizational goal (Baack, 2012). An effective leader creates vision for the organization and effectively communicates with employees to set the organizational direction for growth, alignRead MoreLeadership Theory And Organizational Culture1361 Words   |  6 Pagesrole of leadership has evolved over the years. Early leadership theories focused on the characteristics of the leader and have shifted to focus on the leader’s behavior, skills and style. Emerging leadership theories continued to shift focus to team leadership and subordinate motivation. Organizational culture is exists in all organizations and influences the work environment. 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Specifically discussed in this paper will be foundational theories of leadership, assessment and adaptation of foundational theories and leadership skills deemed most effective in a changing and competitive health care environment. Foundational Theories of Leadership Foundational theories are the backbone of today’s application of leadership in all aspects of business in a global society. Understanding the characteristicsRead MoreThe Diversity Within The Workplace1324 Words   |  6 Pageswith their area of expertise with set expectations for meeting organizational goals. While the world analyzed this need, several theories became known. These theories include: (1) path-goal; (2) situational leadership; and (3) contingency, all of which jumped into the everyday language to fulfill the need to define specific characteristics of the leaders; at that time. Moreover, these theories leveraged their need to define the behavior of the follower within the organization, the task to be completed

Friday, December 13, 2019

Nazi Control Over Germany Free Essays

Identify Nazi opposition: 1.) Communists 2.)Social Democrats 3. We will write a custom essay sample on Nazi Control Over Germany or any similar topic only for you Order Now )Anti Nazi teachers and University Professors 4.)Roman Catholic Church 5.)Protestant Churches 6.)Jews and other persecuted minorities (once purges started). 7.)Lander (State parliaments) 8.) trade unions How Nazis dealt with opponents? To ensure political dominance, Nazis wanted to make Germany into a one-party state. To wipe out communists, Hitler used Reichstag fire as an excuse of a â€Å"communist uprising† to disable much of the communist activities. It is to be noted that anti-communism was a major part of Hitler’s ideals. Social democrats were disabled as well. Lander were allowed to exist but lost all power. Anti Nazi teachers and university professors posed the threat of spreading an anti-Nazi message. The Nazis even wanted subjects to be taught according to their principles. These people were kept in check by fear of Gestapo. Roman Catholic church was a political threat and the church also had influence over people. In 1933, Hitler signed a concordat with Pope and said Nazis will not interfere with church affairs if church stayed out of politics. However Nazis broke concordat when it dissolved catholic youth league as it was a rival to Hitler youth. Catholic schools closed down after protestations. By 1937, church conflicting with Nazis and pope Pius XI issued Encyclical saying that Nazis were â€Å"hostile to Christ and his church†. Hitler angered and 1000’s of priests +nuns sent to conc. camps. Protestant churches were attempted to merge into Reich church. Failed and after protests, people sent to conc. Camps. Jews sent to conc. Camps and murdered. Trade unions banned and replaced with German labour front which reduced pay and took away right to strike How did Nazis use culture and mass media to control people? After Nazis gained power, all forms of media were controlled by Joseph Goebbels. This made sure that no anti-Nazi ideas were publicized. Jewish works were banned as part of the anti-Semitism policies. By these methods, the way the German people thought could be adjusted to the Nazis’ will. Culture was used in the way of making Aryan people feel that they were a superior race. Cultural Activities of racial minorities were mostly banned so that they would have no effect on Aryan ideals. Why Nazis persecuted many groups? The Nazis had an ideology of â€Å"racial purification†, whereby only the Aryans were to be in Germany. Therefore Jews and other small races were sent to conc. Camps. Jews were also persecuted because they owned many shops and businesses (once they were removed, these jobs given to Aryans). Mentally and physically disabled people were also persecuted because the Aryan race was supposed to be â€Å"perfect†. Homosexuals were persecuted as well. Was Nazi Germany a totalitarian state? A totalitarian state is a system of govt. where there can be only one party and the people are totally devoted to the state. Nazi Germany was definitely one of these because: 1. One party state: only the national socialists allowed existing. Power taken away from Lander. 2. Civil service purged of â€Å"enemies of the state† until it was fully reliable. 3. Trade unions banned 4. Education system controlled and Nazi ideals fed into children by Hitler youth. 5. Communication and media controlled. 6. Economic control by which unemployment was reduced and Germany brought close to self sufficiency. 7. Religious control 8. People monitored by Gestapo so that if a person was anti-Nazi, he would be taken away. 9. Anti Semitism and other forms of unjustified racial discrimination. How to cite Nazi Control Over Germany, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Innovations in Education Research Methodology

Question: Discuss about the Innovations in Education Research Methodology. Answer: Introduction: The aim of the particular study is to determine the intension and willingness of the Australian students who are studying accounting regarding their future. It can also be said that the aim of this research work is to find the intension of the accounting students to join the accounting profession after the completion of their degree course or to join any other professions for their jobs (Canning and O'Dwyer 2016). Additionally, the reason for joining any other professions will also be determined in this report. Background of the study It has been found that currently the country Australia experiences slow economic growth, the industry bodies and the government of the country continues to report shortfall of qualified accountants. Therefore, in the reverse way it can be said on the basis of the gathered information that the shortfall of the qualified accountants take place in the country as most of the students who study accounting generally opt for other professions rather than accounting profession (Bonaci et al. 2013). Academic benefits Academic benefits mean the research that mainly provides insight regarding how technologies or business strategies fits affecting speed to market as well as firm performance. In this particular research study, it majorly discusses on the factors whereby current accounting graduates are willing to continue their profession in accounting stream or any other field. Industry Benefits Industry benefits explain the stage where enterprises conceptualize regarding use of new technology in accordance with time and maximization of profitability. Accounting industry has been studied for the current study whereby researchers followed the conceptual framework used by accounting profession in Australia. Preliminary Literature Review The main reason behind this is that the scope for the accountants in the country Australia is relatively less than the other countries. On the other hand, it has been found that in the country, there is demand of only experienced and qualified accountants and thus every student of the accounting do not get scope for selecting the subject accounting as their profession (Carrington et al. 2013). However, this concept of most of the accounting students has lead to decrease or shortages in the total numbers of qualified accountants in Australia. Therefore, this particular study plays an important role as the identification of the causes for choosing or not choosing the subject accounting as the profession can be better understood. Moreover, it has been found that the shortfall in the suitable and qualified accountants has allegation for national economy (Durocher, Gendron and Picard 2015). Additionally, a wide range of shareholders involving the governments of the country and the account ing profession who are counted as those people who are not skilled enough as professionals in the sector of financial services for accommodating the development. In addition to these, economic prosperity of the future is also drove by the professional and experienced accountants. Thus, the research study on the particular topic is an essential factor. Objectives of the study The objectives of the study help the researcher to focus on the main issues related to the research topic and guides to resolve the issues. In the particular report, the objectives of the researcher are: To critically analyze the intension of the accounting students studying in Australian University showing interest in accounting profession as their career option or other professions as the same time. To evaluate the causes due to which the accounting students of Australia prefer more to opt for the other professions in comparison to the accounting profession. To bring out the potential concepts behind decline in the professional accounting in the Australia Scope of the study The professional accounting bodies are generally operated in a competitive world and thus are understandably preoccupied by the retention of the membership and their recruitment. Therefore, it can be said that the scope for the students studying accounting in their degree course is much less. Thus, it has been found that most of the students studying accounting opt for other professionals rather than accounting (Griffin and Wright 2015). However, this concept has reduced or has brought shortages in the qualified and experienced accountants in the country. Thus, this particular study plays a vital role for the betterment of the society. Research Method In order to understand the usage of statistical data, it is important in understanding regarding the experimental design on how a research conducts particular investigation. There are two types of Research methods used by the researchers namely Quantitative Data Collection and Qualitative Data Collection (Mackey and Gass 2015). Statistics is a tool that helps in answering the research questions. It requires understanding of methodology for facilitating understanding of basic statistics. In this particular research, researchers make use of Quantitative Data Collection Method such as Questionnaire Survey. The current segment uses primary sources of data collection by using questionnaire survey. In this data collection, researchers will be preparing questionnaire that will consist of questions regarding Accounting students studying in Australia has intention in working as accounting profession or any other profession (Billig and Waterman 2014). Questions will be asked from the Australia n students, as they are the individuals who can exactly answer the above situation. Questionnaire Survey will be major instrument used by the researcher by asking question to 100 full and part time students who are currently studying in final year of Bachelor of Business Accounting Degree offered by Australian University. Questions are even asked from 50 Alumni or part students of the same Australian University who completed part time or full time basis for the degree Bachelor of Business Accountancy for the year 2015 and 2016. In Australia, Bachelor of Business in Accountancy degree is a four-year full time course involving three year of work experience. It also includes 6-year part time programs for designing ways for meeting the academic entry requirements to professional accounting bodies especially in Australia. It requires concentrating on the person who was currently selecting accounting profession as a career option (Blumberg, Cooper and Schindler 2014). The major key attrib utes differentiates the selection of profession affiliation as revealed in the research project. Final data collected from Questionnaire survey will be analyzed by using Excel spreadsheet for calculation and representing by Bar graphs, pie charts and line graphs according to the respondents. Data will be analyzed by using appropriate tools as well as techniques after testing the attributes affecting these discrete choices. Questionnaire Development will be composed of two vital sections. The first section will comprise of Questionnaire representing the respondent information on a range of attributes showing the importance in differentiating as well as selecting affiliation of a professional accounting body. This will aim at bringing the objective for exploring the potential differentiating attributes in and across the Australian locations by listing professional accounting bodies. It will be identified by using publicly available sources such as media publications as well as websites. These secondary sources of information will uses in this particular research by the researcher. The second part of the Questionnaire will be used for soughing out demographic attribute information like Gender, Campus Location as well as Area of Employment and Mode of Study (Flick 2015). Any provision for additional comments will be included in this particular question as used by the researcher. Expected Results After the research has been conducted, it will be easy in understanding the reason behind why Accounting Students studying in Australia have an intention in possessing career in Accounting Profession than any other profession (Bloomfield et al. 2015). In order to understand, results can be gained by conducting Questionnaire survey method and asking questions to the students who are currently studying in Australian University. Milestones Main Activities 1st Week 2nd Week 3rd Week 4th and 5th Week 6th Week 7th Week Selection of Topic for Research Proposal "Whether the current Accounting students in Australia have the intention to join accounting profession after completing their degree or are they going to join other professions for jobs and Why?" Aim of the study Objective of the study Scope of the study Research Method Primary sources of data collection such as Questionnaire Survey Expected Research Submission of Research Proposal References Billig, S.H. and Waterman, A.S. eds., 2014.Studying service-learning: Innovations in education research methodology. Routledge. Bloomfield, M.J., Brggemann, U., Christensen, H.B. and Leuz, C., 2015.The Effect of Regulatory Harmonization on Cross-border Labor Migration: Evidence from the Accounting Profession(No. w20888). National Bureau of Economic Research. Blumberg, B.F., Cooper, D.R. and Schindler, P.S., 2014.Business research methods. McGraw-hill education. Bonaci, C., Strouhal, J., Mllerov, L. and Roub?kov, J., 2013. Corporate Governance Debate on Professional Ethics in Accounting Profession.Central European Business Review,2(3), pp.30-35. Canning, M. and O'Dwyer, B., 2016. Institutional work and regulatory change in the accounting profession.Accounting, Organizations and Society,54, pp.1-21. Carrington, T., Johansson, T., Johed, G. and hman, P., 2013. An empirical test of the hierarchical construct of professionalism and managerialism in the accounting profession.Behavioral Research in Accounting,25(2), pp.1-20. Durocher, S., Gendron, Y. and Picard, C.F., 2015. Waves of Global Standardization: Small Practitioners' Resilience and Intra-Professional Fragmentation within the Accounting Profession.Auditing: A Journal of Practice Theory,35(1), pp.65-88. Flick, U., 2015.Introducing research methodology: A beginner's guide to doing a research project. Sage. Griffin, P.A. and Wright, A.M., 2015. Commentaries on Big Data's importance for accounting and auditing.Accounting Horizons,29(2), pp.377-379. Mackey, A. and Gass, S.M., 2015.Second language research: Methodology and design. Routledge.